Achieve Academic Success
The HCA faculty, staff, and administration works hard every day to provide an outstanding K-12 education. We are committed to providing students in each grade level with an excellent academic experience. With age-appropriate methodologies, our teachers build critical thinking skills, while also focusing on traditional core subjects. HCA administrators use regular evaluations, accreditation protocols, and yearly standardized test scores in a continual process of school improvement to give our families the finest school experience and the best preparation for the future. HCA maintains its accreditation through – MSA (regional), NACSAA (national), and AACS (national).
For a brief overview of our grade levels, click here. For a detailed explanation, view our Academic Profile Booklet below. To learn how HCA prepares you for college, read about our college guidance counseling.
Annual Assessment
Harvest uses the Iowa Basic and CogAt as a standardized benchmark to measure instructional effectiveness and academic achievement of HCA students. This annual assessment measures the academic performance of our students in English language arts and math. The result from the Harvest student population reveals several key points:
- HCA builds a strong academic foundation in 1st through 3rd grade.
- The strong foundation prepares for accelerated academic results culminating in high school scores that are 30+% higher than the U.S. average.

HCA is accredited by the American Association of Christian School (AACS), Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSACESS), and the North American Christian School Accrediting Agency (NACSAA). MSACESS describes accreditation as the “affirmation that a school or other educational institution is providing the level of quality in its educational programs, services, activities, and/or resources expected by its community of stakeholders and endorsed by the education world.”
Harvest has achieved the level of “Accredited with Distinction” which carries significant scholastic recognition.

International Programs
Full-time International students attend our regular HCA classes and earn an American education with personal support for all their academic needs. Faculty provide extra attention and accommodations to our international students to help them adjust to a new home on Guam. As a result of the academic challenge and personal support, students often acclimate quickly and graduate from the AES classes within 1 or 2 school years.

Summer Programs
Harvest Christian Academy offers a variety of summer programs to help students retain knowlege from the school year, as well as broaden horizens in different areas such as art, athletics, and more. In addition, Pacific Rim Christian Camp is fun, spiritually refreshing week available to grade school and high school age children. View our full list of summer programs by clicking below.
Lang Memorial Library
James M. Reyes Lang, a former student at Harvest Christian Academy, had fought bravely in the Persian Gulf war but perished serving his country while on tour. The Harvest library was dedicated to his memory on September 6th, 1991 and renamed to Lang Memorial Library in his honor. Today, the Lang Memorial Library serves students as a resource and learning center. The library currently has:
- 20,236 individual titles;
- 1,463 Videos/DVD
- Music CD collection
- Monographs