"*" indicates required fields Please submit one Yearly Data Update for each child. Fields with an ( * ) are required to be filled.Student's Name* First Middle Last Student's Current Grade and Homeroom Teacher*PreK – Mrs. RingPreK – Mrs. WycoPreK – Mrs. AngocoPreK – Mrs. WolseleyK5 – Mrs. McCartyK5 – Ms. WolseleyK5 – Mrs. Anderson1st – Ms. Wesley1st – Mrs. Dungca1st – Ms. Hull2nd – Ms. Ballard2nd – Mrs. Cordes2nd – Mrs. Baiei3rd – Mrs. Mullins3rd – Ms. Brunson3rd – Ms. Dongon4th – Ms. MaGee4th – Mrs. Malimai4th – Mrs. O'Brien5th – Ms. Whitcher5th – Ms. Jones5th – Mrs. Barth6th – Ms. Burak6th – Ms. Jordan6th – Ms. Lloyd7th – Ms. Sapigao7th – Ms. Nupson7th – Ms. Pement8th – Ms. Gideons8th – Mr. Malimai8th – Mr. Oguilla9th – Mr. Pegarido9th – Ms. Hucks9th – Mrs. Bennett10th – Ms. McNally10th – Ms. Weier10th – Mr. Cruz Rivera11th – Ms. Griffith11th – Ms. Stuhl11th – Ms. Hashberger12th – Ms. DeloachParent/Guardian's Name* First Last Parent/Guardian's Email Address* PHOTO RELEASE Photographs are taken regularly around campus. These images often feature students in our internal communications to HCA families (e.g., weekly newsletters). However, if you do not wish to have your child’s photo used in outside communications (e.g., published media including but not limited to newspaper articles, HCA brochures, Harvest Ministries websites and social media accounts), please indicate below. If a student participates in group events (i.e. band, orchestra, choir, athletics, Drama), their photo might be used for promotion/social media. Please indicate whether or not you give HCA permission to use any pictures of your child for outside communication.* Yes No YEARBOOK ORDER The 2025-2026 school yearbook will cost $150. If you would like to purchase one, please indicate your choice of payment plan:* Please bill me one time on the November 2025 statement. Please bill me in four installments of $37.50 each for the months of November, December, January, and February I do not wish to purchase a yearbook for my child. RADIO DONATION (OPTIONAL) Harvest Family Radio provides a service and source of enjoyment for our island families. Please indicate if you would like to contribute a gift to Harvest Family Radio on a monthly basis beginning with the August statement:* Yes No Please indicate a monthly amount if "Yes" is selected. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I understand that I am responsible for all costs (tuition, fees, cafeteria, bookstore, etc.) incurred while my child is enrolled at Harvest Christian Academy. I understand that the Re-enrollment Fee, Textbook Fee, and miscellaneous fees are non-refundable. In addition, if my child should withdraw or be dismissed from school for any reason, I understand that a Withdrawal Fee will be charged along with applicable tuition charges. As a parent/guardian, I agree to support the Administration of Harvest Christian Academy; however, should I feel that I can no longer support the Administration, Parent Student Handbook, and Statement of Faith, I will promptly withdraw my child. Upon withdrawal of my child, all fees and tuition will be due. To my knowledge, all information is complete and correct.